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Auto Auth

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What's new

During the night i finnaly found a way to automate Sonarqube with the help of... Oauth2Proxy and Terraform !!!!

Automate me

So it's the turn of Sonarqube to be automated with... terraform again. I love this tool ! So what does the automation and upgrade does ?

  • Separate Sonarqube from it's database with two helm release
  • Setup Oauth2Proxy to handle the authentication of Sonarqube and ignore path that doesn't need authentication
  • Setup the ingress to handle the authentication and the path to Sonarqube/Oauth2Proxy
  • Automate the configuration of Sonarqube with TF
  • Automate the creation of Sonarqube secret with TF
  • RollBack to the previous version of Sonarqube from 10 to 9.9


In order to facilitate my upgrade process, i setup Renovate to handle the upgrade of my dependencies. It's really easy to use and it's working really well. I just need to execute the renovate job daily and it create PR when needed and merge it when i think it's ok.

Well we need everything to be up to date, so i upgraded everything to the latest version available like

  • No Upgrade this time

While working on the upgrade part, i ended up thinking that setting up Changelog would be a good thing. So i'm thinking of including cog.

Next to do

  • Setup Changelog

While i was upgrading everything it become obvious that i need to upgrade my use of Github. Then i moved from the old Github Dashboard to the new one. Event if i wasn't writing the doc, i was still working on the project and updating the dashboard and issues.